Map of Australia showing location of the World Transformation Movement Ballarat Centre

Welcome to the WORLD TRANSFORMATION MOVEMENT BALLARAT CENTRE! Having a WTM Centre in country Victoria is a dream come true and I hope we can grow this community together.

The most prominent members of the WTM Ballarat Centre are Angela Ryan and Colleen Fryar; they are the most well versed in these transforming understandings of the human condition at their centre, and therefore the best placed to help people in their region develop their interest in Jeremy Griffith’s work.

‘My life has not been the same since reading ‘FREEDOM’. It will be truly a wonderful day when the whole world understands this information!’ Angela Ryan

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    Angela Ryan is a lawyer living in Ballarat in Victoria, Australia, with her husband and two children. Born in the US, Angela earned a Bachelor of Science from Penn State University before moving to Australia in 2001. In 2018 Angela earned a Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of New England (Australia), and is currently completing a Master of Legal Practice degree from the Australian National University. Angela works for Victoria’s Department of Justice where her duties include developing court of law reforms for greater access to justice and legal policy.

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    Colleen Fryar is a registered nurse who has worked both clinically and in management in the field of Psychiatry/Mental Health for over 38 years. She is married with two adult sons and two grandsons aged 3 and nearly 2. Colleen was born in country Victoria Australia with an Italian heritage. Colleen and her husband planted and established a family vineyard and cellar door that has been operating in the region for over twenty years. Having recently returned to nursing after a brief retirement, Colleen works part time in perinatal mental health as a nurse.

FREEDOM has changed my whole view of myself, my family, other humans on the planet and the story of humanity as a whole’ Colleen Fryar

MUST, MUST WATCH: Craig Conway, the acclaimed British actor, writer, producer and broadcaster — and the founder of WTM North East England Centre — has brought all his skills to bear to produce the ideal introduction to Jeremy Griffith’s explanation of the human condition in this absolutely astonishing, world-changing and world-saving interview with Jeremy. It’s called ‘THE’ Interview because in it Jeremy gives such a concise and accessible summary of his world-saving explanation of the human condition that it’s nothing less than the most important interview of all time!

Book cover of Freedom: The End of the Human Condition

Jeremy Griffith's book, Freedom: The End of the Human Condition, is truly sublime. It crucially provides the lifesaving and gloriously transforming scientific truth about our species. I am so thankful that I decided to buy it (in my favourite bookstore in Daylesford) because THIS is the information and enlightenment that all humans need right now. I highly recommend it to everyone because it will TRANSFORM you and in the most marvellous and astonishing way. Jeremy superbly explains the truth about human behaviour. As it turns out, we are all good and immensely deserving of a magnificent life!

The times, they really are a changing and this biological explanation of the human condition provides the step-by-step guide on how to pack one’s bags of this ‘old’ world full of suffering and horror and live a life of true peace, love and happiness in a glorious NEW one.

Read commendations for Jeremy Griffith’s work here.

Everything you need to know to learn about this great breakthrough can be found on the World Transformation Movement homepage. There you will find — and everything is completely free — a brilliant introductory video series, books to read online or download and an essay series with accompanying podcasts covering fascinating topics like ‘How did we humans acquire our altruistic moral conscience?’, ‘Fossil discoveries evidence our nurtured origins’, ‘Integrative Meaning or what we call ‘God’’ and ‘How did consciousness emerge in humans’.


Montage of bonobos, molecules developing order, human holding sphere of DNA and person with arms raised to the sun

The WTM Ballarat Centre hosts regular and relaxed get-togethers to discuss biologist Jeremy Griffith’s reconciling understanding of the human condition. His transformative insights open up so many topics for discussion, from the meaning of our existence, the origin of our moral instincts, and the relationship between men and women, to the significance of our changing psychology as we progress through infancy, childhood, and adolescence to adulthood. It’s just so exciting to finally be able to understand all aspects of life, and to know that this project will bring about the rehabilitation of our species and our world, so we’d love for you to join us! Submit a message via our Contact page and we'll go from there!

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Subscribe to our YouTube channel and receive two or more videos each week. These videos will include enthralling, bite-sized samples of the explanation of the human condition, and also descriptions and examples of the transformation that is now possible for all our lives.

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